The 2014 University of Hawaii Master Gardener Statewide Conference was hosted Oct. 24-26 on the UH-Maui campus.
The 2014 University of Hawaii Master Gardener Statewide Conference was hosted Oct. 24-26 on the UH-Maui campus.
Attending from the East Hawaii Master Gardener Association were Dawn Garlich, Daghild Rick, David Henry and Kate Burroughs. Also attending was Sharon Motomura from the UH-Hilo College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Extension Office.
Rick also received a leadership award from the East Hawaii Master Gardener Association during the conference.
The Master Gardener Program began in Hawaii in 1982. Master Gardeners expand and facilitate horticultural educational outreach efforts of the UH Extension Service to the general public and community groups.
Master Gardeners also promote environmentally sustainable gardening practices throughout Hawaii.